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Reading Linux Drives under Windows OS

Ever wanted to get at your lost data on a Linux drive but were frustrated to find that Windows cannot read Linux drives.  Windows in it’s infinite wisdom cannot out of the box  read Linux partitioned drives which typically has the EXT4 filesystem. There are a...

Repair Corrupted HFS File System

  Important structures of a HFS Plus volume: BOOT BLOCKS Sectors 0 and 1 of the volume are found here. VOLUME HEADER is founder at sector 2, . The Volume Header stores  the size of allocation blocks, a timestamp for volume creation , the location of other volume...

Google Drive Sync Problems

. Google Drive is a cloud storage service that provides the benefits of flexible storage. Users can create folders and upload files/folders from their computer and because a manual upload can take time and be disrupted .  Google offers a syncing service via a local...

Data Recovery ZFS Volume

As ZFS is more than just a file system, it is a  combination of a file system with a logical volume manager,and its design is very different from any other file system type and it requires an individual approach to data recovery. ZFS makes it possible to create a file...